Karibbean Thiscoveries - island Trinidad
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Trinidad is the place to go if you want to find the hottest pepper in the world, many people thought it to be the Bhut Jolokia or ghost pepper from Northeast India but studies have shown that it is the Trinidad Scorpion Pepper from Moruga which is ranked 2,009,231 SHU on the scoville scale.

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Trinidad popular business travel destination because is our oil, gas and asphalt industries, it has a more city feel to it rather that the more Caribbean feeling you would get when you travel to some of the other Caribbean islands.

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The demographic of Trinidad is extremely diverse is sometime referred to as pelau island (a local dish prepared my combining a variety of ingredients like meats, rice, vegetables etc.). There is a wide range religion, cultures, languages and ethnicity all gathered here on this beautiful island.

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For the bird lovers the island have over 480 species of birds, like the Scarlet Ibis which is the national bird and it's said to be the easiest place in the world where you can see them, tufted coquette, Scaly-naped pigeon, Lined quail-dove, Scaled dove, Dark-billed cuckoo, Oilbird, Rufous nightjar, Copper-rumped hummingbird, Rufous-necked wood-rail, Collared plover and Sabine's gull just to name few.

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Trinidad is the birthplace of the steel pan a musical instrument made from oil drums and calypso a afro-Caribbean blend of music that influence people worldwide.

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It is also home to the world's largest natural deposit of asphalt