Karibbean Thiscoveries - 24 Trinidad
The TT dollar is the official currency of the isles of Trinidad and Tobago. The Coat of Arms can be seen on the front of each denomination of notes together with a monograph of a local bird, while the reverse side showcases the Central Bank building and a scene that is integral to the economic life of the country. Notes are color veiled by denomination - the $1 is red, the $5 is green, the $10 is grey, the $20 is purple, the $50 is olive green or yellow and the $100 is blue.

Cambios can be found at the airports, both in Trinidad and Tobago to exchange foreign currencies. Although banks such as: (First Citizens, Republic Bank, Royal Bank of Canada, Scotia Bank) are closed weekends, some mall branches do open on Saturdays. Exchange rates vary, but banks generally offer a better rate than airport outlets, hotels, or retailers, ATMs also dispense local currency.

Note, even though Trinidad and Tobago accept the U.S. dollar, change would usually be given in local currency.