Karibbean Thiscoveries - Devils Wood Yard Mud Volcano

Devils Wood Yard Mud Volcano


Devil's Woodyard, located in Hindustan near Princes Town, is one of the most visited locations of Trinidad's many mud volcanoes. A mud volcano is a mound of watery mud or clay, forced out of the earth by methane gas. This volcano lies amid rolling low hills and wide plains charred now with the effect of fires brought on by the extreme dry season.

The original Amerindian inhabitants of Trinidad called these areas 'guaico', meaning, "mud-stream". This volcano first erupted in 1852 , shaking the village causing trees to fall and frightening the inhabitants. The superstitious Amerindians believed that the devil had come out of the earth and tumbled the trees. The mounds of earth with occasional bubbles of grey matter oozing out, and the rumbling, hissing sounds that terrified villagers continue to be a wonder to all who visit this site.
